Creating a campaign

Note! Before creating new campaign you have to create popup. Information how to create popup is here: Creating new popup

Campaigns' management page: 

Admin Panel >> Exit Intent >> Manage Campaigns

Campaign Information Tab

  1. Is Active – enable / disable campaign.
  2. Campaign Name - identifier in the list.
  3. Start at - campaign start date.
  4. End at - campaign end date.
  5. Store - list of stores where campaign will be active.

Popup Settings Tab

  1. Popup – list of created popups.
  2. Show popup if match flowing params - popup will show if $_GET parameters will match. For separation to use "&". 

    E.g utm_campaign=magetrend&utm_medium=default. 
  3. Show popup only in pages - list of pages where popup will be active
  4. Show popup again after X days - campaign cookie lifetime
  5. Show in Last Tab - if customer is opened 3 tabs, popup will show only than he will try to close the last tab
  6. Close after Click on Popup Layer - if this option is enabled and if customer click on popup background layer than the popup will close.