Cart price rule configuration

If you want to send coupon code to the email or show it instantly after subscription you have to create new cart price rule for popup. You can do this here:
Marketing >> Cart Price Rules >> Add new Rule

Rules Information

  1. Rule Name - rule identifier, for example: "Discount for subscribers"
  2. Status - enable/disable rule. Please set to "Active"
  3. Websites - Please select websites where coupon will be active.
  4. Customers groups - please select customers groups.
  5. Coupon - Please choose "Specific coupon"
  6. Coupon code - there are two options. If you want to send for subscribers the same code, than enter the code to this field. If you want to send unique coupon code, please select the option "Use Auto Generation"
  7. Uses per Coupon - please enter "1" in this field.
  8. Uses per Customer - please enter "1" in this field.
Save the cart price rule. This cart price rule will be available here:
Marketing >> Exit Offer >> Popup >> YORU POPUP >> Discount coupon >> Cart Price Rule