Manage Gift Card

Gift Cards' management page:
Products >> Gift Card >> Manage Gift Card

Creating New Gift Card

If you want to add new gift card, press the button "Add Gift Card". Below is explained form fields meanings.

General Information

  1. Status - gift card status. Status list and meanings are bellow.
  2. Gift Card Code - gift card redeem code. Recommending at least 8 symbols.
  3. Gift Card Template - List of gift card templates. How to create new template you can find here!
  4. Currency - Gift card balance currency.
  5. Initial Value - Initial gift card value.
  6. Gift Card Balance - Current gift card balance.
  7. Available on Stores - Store list where gift card is available for redeem.
  8. Gift Card Life Time - How many days gift card will be active after purchase. 0 - no expiration period. Default: 365 (1 year)
  9. Expire Date - Gift card will not be available after this date

Gift Card Statuses

  1. New - initial gift card status, not available on checkout, there is no possibility to buy it.
  2. Available - gift card is ready to sell, not available on checkout, there is possibility to buy it
  3. Waiting for Payment - gift card is ordered, waiting for payment, not available on checkout, there is no possibility to buy it.
  4. Active - gift card is active and can be used in checkout.
  5. InActive - gift card is disabled, not available on checkout, there is possibility to buy it.