Mailchimp configuration

Confirmation and success emails are sending with mailChimp service, not in the magento side. So, you need to transfer coupon's code to mailchimp service.

Magento side configuration

Please go to mailchimp cofiguration page:
Stores >> Configuration >> Magemonkey >> Magemonkey >> Mailchimp General Configuration
And add new row to "Customer Fields Mapping". Enter the following information: Magento: eo_discount_code MailChimp: COUPON And save the configuration.

MailChimp side configuration

  1. Go to Mailchimp page and login to your account.
  2. Go to: Lists >> Click on your list >> Sign Up Forms >> General forms
  3. Set Option "Forms and response emails" to "final welcome email" and check "Send a final welcome email" optionmailchimp_2
  4. Go to: Lists >> Click on your list >> Settings >> List fields and *|MERGE|* tags >> Add a Field Enter the following information Field label: Coupon Code Put this tag in your content: COUPONmailchimp_4v2

Additional fields configuration

Additional fields are working the same as coupon’s code. Use additional fields name for mapping fields instead of eo_discount_code.